Sanctions of Copa de la Liga

Name Round Match Type Team Type of behaviour to sanction Matches for sanction
Look Jose Angel Moya De La Calle Athlete Veterinaria Jayda/El Doblón Tarjeta Roja Art. 5.4 12
Look Ismael Olmedo Garcia Athlete Veterinaria Jayda/El Doblón Tarjeta Roja Art. 4.3 3
Look Ramon Ortiz benito Staff Vinos Tomillar/Eurotaller Tall. Centrauto Doble amarilla 1
Look RUBEN SEVILLA SANCHEZ Athlete Tetuán Barbershop/Novacons S.C Liga 6
Look Sergio Mora Correas Athlete Tetuán Barbershop/Novacons S.C Liga 2
Look Jesus Perona Roman Athlete Vinos Tomillar/Eurotaller Tall. Centrauto Liga 22/23 9
Look David Madrid Serrano Athlete Veterinaria Jayda/El Doblón Maratón Local 2023 22
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